Cool Mosquito Facts

What is the primary thing that pops in your mind when you bump on the word “mosquito”? It must be something like – pesky little pests that carry diseases and spreads them among humans and animals. Or it can be something like that annoying pest that is definitely not going to make it to the list of nominees for the award of the most venomous or scary pest but will surely win the award for being the most annoying insect.

The continuous buzzing of mosquitos near the human ear is something that everyone hates. Thanks to mosquitos, now we can develop a tagline like “divided by country borders, united by the hatred for the annoying mosquito buzz.” Getting rid of them can be easily done with the help of professionals, and we at CTA would be happy to help. But how much do we know about them? Other than that, they suck blood while buzzing our minds into a state of absolute irritation!

This article will present some cool and fascinating mosquito facts that we bet most of you did not know!

1. As light as they may seem, mosquitos can weigh about 2.5 milligrams.

2. The average life of male mosquitoes is very long, as long as five to six months, although only a few of them live that long. It is solely due to humans smacking these insects to death. The same reason is responsible for the quick death of female mosquitos, whose average life span or life expectancy is for 2 to 3 weeks.

3. Mosquitos can be considered insects that love to live in comfort as when they are not looking for food. They are usually resting in places that are cool or have shades.

4. Mosquito eggs are incredibly fascinating as they hatch even after lying and drying for around 240 days; that is eight months.

5. Not all, but few mosquitos hibernate during the chilly winters.

6. Did you know that the speed with which mosquitos travel or fly is somewhere around 1.5 to 1 miles per hour? So besides being comfort seekers, they are also easy-going insects who have no rush at all!

7. Mosquitos (especially the adult ones) prefer dying before the chilly winter sets in rather than choosing hibernation.

8. Have you ever noticed the hours when the mosquito count seems to be more, or you tend to get bitten more by mosquitos? It is the time between dusk till dawn. During this time, the mosquitos are more active or are their prime time to suck blood. However, not all of them follow the same prime time norm, as some mosquitos bite humans even outside the time frame mentioned above.

9. Mosquitos are cool insects as they have mosquito season! The mosquito season typically lies between April to October. However, it may vary depending on the region where you live.

10. Did you know that the speed with which mosquitos travel or fly is somewhere around 1.5 to 1 miles per hour? So besides being comfort seekers, they are also easy-going insects who have no rush at all!

11. The buzzing sound that the mosquito makes near our ears is not on purpose but because they are made to beat their wings 300 to 600 times per second! Ok, we know it still can not undo the fact that it will keep annoying the human race for many more ages to come.

12. Only female mosquitos feed on human blood. They do so to reproduce. To reproduce, they require protein which they can obtain from human blood. Male mosquitos do not feed on human blood as they do not reproduce. Instead, the male mosquitos feed on flower nectar.

13. Limburger Cheese is a species of mosquito that gets enchanted by stinking feet and is drawn towards them. Make sure to wash your feet next time to avoid attracting mosquitos.

14. Mosquitos have lived on earth for four hundred million years! Their presence is known since the Triassic period.

If you wish to manage the mosquito problem in your area, contact us at A Plus Pest Control to provide a customized plan of action!


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